John Dean Caton, Early Bench and Bar of Illinois (1893)
Online in Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800 to 1926
First Floor State KFI 1278 .C37 1893
Microfiche KF 209 .A88 .B56 no.69
Francis B. Crossley, Courts and Lawyers of Illinois, 3 vols. (1916)
Microfiche KF 209 .A88 .L44 no.40
Judith Gaskell, "Illinois Legal Research Before Statehood in 1818: A Bibliographical Guide," in Prestatehood Legal Materials: A Fifty-State Research Guide (2005), vol. 1, pp. 349-363
Online in Google Books
Second-Floor Reference KF 240 .P688 2005 V.1
Usher F. Linder, Reminiscences of the Early Bench and Bar of Illinois, 2nd ed. (1879)
Online in Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800 to 1926
Microfiche KF 209 .A88 .B56 no.152
John M. Palmer, The Bench and Bar of Illinois: Historical and Reminiscent, 2 vols. (1899)
Online in Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises, 1800 to 1926
The Law Library of Congress hosts the following website with some info on Abraham Lincoln's legal career:
Law Library of Congress, Lincoln and the Law,
In addition, there are 2 electronic versions of Abraham Lincoln's legal papers (a 2009 free online version and a 2000 3-DVD set).
Major biographies on Abraham Lincoln's legal career include the following (in alphabetical order by author):
Isaac N. Arnold, Reminiscences of the Illinois Bar Forty Year Ago: Lincoln and Douglas as Orators and Lawyers (Illinois State Bar Association, 1881)
Online in Making of Modern Law
Roger Billings & Frank J. Williams, editors, Abraham Lincoln, Esq.: The Legal Career of America's Greatest President (University Press of Kentucky, 2010)
Third Floor Main E 457.2 .A1447 2010
HBLL E 457.2 .A1447 2010
John J. Duff, A. Lincoln: Prairie Lawyer (Rinehart & Co., 1960)
Third Floor Main E 457.2 .D8 1960
HBLL E 457.2 .D8
Robert J. Johnson Jr., Trial By Fire: Abraham Lincoln and the Law (unpublished City University of New York PhD dissertation 2007)
Online in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text
Elizabeth W. Matthews, Lincoln as a Lawyer: An Annotated Bibliography (1991)
Third Floor Main KF 368 .L52 .M37 1991
Stacy Pratt McDermott, The Jury in Lincoln's America (2012)
First Floor State KFI 1742 .M37 2012
Charles R. McKirdy, Lincoln Apostate: The Matson Slave Trial (2011)
Third Floor Main KF 228 .B778 .M38 2011
Arthur L. Rizer, Lincoln's Counsel: Lessons From America's Most Persuasive Speaker (American Bar Association, 2010)
Third Floor Main KF 368 .R59 2010
Mark E. Steiner, An Honest Calling: The Law Practice of Abraham Lincoln (Northern Illinois University Press, 2006)
Third Floor Main E 457.2 .S8 2006
William H. Townsend, Lincoln the Litigant (Lawbook Exchange, 2000; reprint of the 1925 Houghton Mifflin edition)
Online in HeinOnline (1925 ed.)
Third Floor Main KF 368 .L52 .T688 2000 (2000 reprint)
HBLL E 457.3 .T76 (1925 ed.)
Albert A. Woldman, Lawyer Lincoln, 2nd ed. (Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2001) [reprint of the 1936 Houghton Mifflin edition]
Third Floor Main E 457 .W85 2001
HBLL E 457 .W85x 2001
John Maxcy Zane, Lincoln: The Constitutional Lawyer (Caxton Club, 1932)
First Floor Microfiche KF 209 .A88 .B56 no.255