Hastings Women's Law Journal (HeinOnline)Since 1989, the Hastings Women's Law Journal has provided a forum for voices outside the traditional scope of legal academic scholarship. We offer and maintain an inclusive space for feminism, race theory, multiculturalism, animal rights, disability rights, language rights, international human rights, criminal defendants' rights and prisoners' rights, among others. HWLJ takes the road less traveled in regard to the law. This perspective embraces difference and celebrates diversity.
Staffed entirely by students and volunteers, HWLJ publishes twice a year - giving its subscribers access to discussions on cutting edge issues which many law journals either avoid or ignore. We are a progressive, diverse, open, and forward-looking collective of individuals working together to widen the scope of legal scholarship. To this end, HWLJ publishes works of literature, poems, book reviews, personal pieces, and, of course, legal analysis. We strongly believe that the law is a solution for the ills of the human condition, not merely a means of gaining and preserving privilege and position.
Source: http://www.hastingswomenslj.org/about/