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The scope of communications law

Communications law covers “old media” (which includes telecommunications and print) and “new media” (which covers Internet and digital media).

Telecommunications (cable TV, radio, satellite, telephone, television, and similar technologies) and print sources (mostly newspapers and periodicals, with some book publishing) are regulated by federal and state law with some limitations by the U.S. constitution’s First Amendment.

Internet and digital technologies merge traditional media with computer-based applications, which are also partially regulated.

This is a short guide to beginning sources for the researcher interested in the law on these topics.

Legal Resources and Databases on Communications Law

These are resources to which the Hunter Law Library or the Harold B. Lee Library has purchased a subscription. Most subscription licenses require off-campus access to be limited to BYU law students and faculty. Other patrons are welcome to use many of these resources by visiting the library premises.

Subject Guide

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Shawn Nevers

Provo, UT 84602
