The Hunter Law Library has been a federal depository library since 1972, and its federal depository collections are open to public use. For assistance, please contact any reference librarian or Kory Staheli, the depository library coordinator.
Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) provides federal court docket information and filings. BYU Law faculty and students can obtain the password from Iantha Haight but should generally use Bloomberg Law or Lexis Courtlink for dockets and filings first.
The opinions of the First Circuit from November 1995 to July 2001 are brought to you by the Hugh F. Macmillan Law Library, Emory University School of Law, in cooperation with the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. All cases are in full text on the Web, or can be downloaded in downloadable format. The files to download are located at the end of each case.
The opinions issued by the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit since May 1994 have been acquired from the Third Circuit by the Villanova University School of Law. Villanova Law Library is the official archive for the opinions of the Third Circuit.
The opinions of the Fourth Circuit from January 1995 to July 2001 are brought to you by the Hugh F. Macmillan Law Library, Emory University School of Law, in cooperation with the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. All cases are in full text on the Web, or can be downloaded. The files to download are located at the end of each case.
The opinions of the Sixth Circuit from January 1995 to June 1999 are brought to you by the Hugh F. Macmillan Law Library, Emory University School of Law, in cooperation with the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. All cases are in full text on the Web, or can be downloaded. The files to download are located at the end of each case.
The opinions of the Tenth Circuit from August 1995 through October 1997 are brought to you by the Hugh F. Macmillan Law Library, Emory University School of Law, in cooperation with the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. All cases are in full text on the Web, or can be downloaded in ASCII format. The files to download are located at the end of each case.
The opinions of the Eleventh Circuit from November 1994 to March 2003 are brought to you by the Hugh F. Macmillan Law Library, Emory University School of Law, in cooperation with the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. All cases are in full text on the Web, or can be downloaded. The files to download are located at the end of each case.