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Recovering Our Forgotten Preamble

Constitutions, books, articles, cases, and letters cited by John W. Welch & James A. Heilpern, Recovering Our Forgotten Preamble, 91 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1021 (2018).

Newspaper Articles

This page includes links to only those newspaper articles cited by Recovering Our Forgotten Preamble that are not published in The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution: Ratification of the Constitution by the States. Newspaper articles that are cited to The Documentary History are included in the Ratification Documents section of this website and organized by state.


Philadelphia: July 30Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser, July 30, 1787, at 3 ( subscription required)

Arthur Ponsonby, The King's EnglishBaltimore Sun, Mar. 18, 1928, at M15 (ProQuest Historical Newspapers subscription required)



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