Judicial Sources
Coverage: 1990 forward; some “historical” (pre-1990) cases
Coverage: Decisions from 1937-1975
Coverage: Decisions 1906 to the present (200 U.S. – )
Coverage: Varies by circuit—generally full coverage beginning 1995
Coverage:Varies by circuit—generally full coverage beginning 1995
Generally, coverage begins with the 104th Congress of 1995.
- The Budget of the United States Government, 1997-
- Congressional Bills, 103rd Congress forward
- Congressional Directory, 1997-2002
- Congressional Documents, 104th Congress forward
- Congressional Record, 1994-
- Congressional Reports, 104th Congress forward
- Congressional Record Index, 1995-
- Economic Report of the President 1996
- Federal Register &Unified Agenda, 1994
- GAO Comptroller General Decisions, October 1995-
- General Accounting Office (GAO) Reports, October 1994-
- Government Manual
- History of Bills, 1996-
- House Rules and Manual
- Public and Private Laws, 104th Congress forward
- Supreme Court Decisions (1937-1975)
- United States Code
- Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
Internet Law Library (formerly House of Representatives Internet Law Library) — Federal Laws
- U.S. Federal Laws
- U.S. State Laws
- Laws of Other Nations
- Treaties and International Law
- U.S. Code
- Bills, Resolutions
- Congressional Record: Text and Index
- Presidential Nominations
- Treaties
- Committee Reports
- Government Resources
- House of Representatives
- Senate
- U.S. Code
- Agencies
- Code of Fed. Regs.
- Congress. Bills
- Congress. Record
- Executive Orders
- Federal Register
- Government Docs
- Legisl. Statutes
- Statutes-At-Large
- U.S. Code
(Last Revised 3/7/2013)