This clinic deals primarily with general conflict resolution, but it also handles small claims and other issues. The Small Claims Mediation is a subset of this clinic. They accept all requests, except the occasional few that are too complex. Call Professor LeeAnn Glade, and she will give your name and phone number to a student who will then contact you to set up a time. The mediations usually take place at BYU Law School. For claims that have already been filed, the clinic also handles mediations in most courts in Utah County, Wasatch County, and a couple of courts in Salt Lake County.
This center provides conflict resolution for any issue if you are a BYU student. If you are not a BYU student, then you may only use these services if you live in BYU-approved housing and your issue involves a landlord-tenant dispute. The center also offers community services on a case-by-case basis and gives referrals to people it cannot assist. The center is open from 10:00am–3:00pm Monday through Thursday, but closed Tuesdays from 10:45–12:15 for BYU devotionals. The center has a variety of resources to assist BYU students stuck in conflict, including information about consultations, mediation, arbitration, and recommended reading. For anyone living in BYU-approved housing, any landlord-tenant disputes must be resolved through the center's mediation and/or arbitration programs. The center offers in-person and remote appointments.
Law and Justice Center, 645 S. 200 E., Salt Lake City
801-532-4841 (Toll Free 877-697-7175)
Text number: 801-349-1273
This program provides mediation services for free or at a low cost. It does not provide legal services. Types of disputes for which mediation services may be available include the following: neighbor relationships, landlord-tenant, school relationships, business, workplace, consumer and merchant, and family and interpersonal. Types of services offered by this program: mediation, phone mediation, bilingual services (Spanish), facilitation, and training.