Private International Law: "International conflict of laws. Legal scholars frequently lament the name 'private international law' because it misleadingly suggests a body of law somehow parallel to public international law, when in fact it is merely a part of each legal system's private law. -- Also termed international private law; jus gentium privatum; intermunicipal law; comity; extraterritorial recognition of rights." Black's Law Dictionary, 10th ed., page 941 [under entry for "International law"]
Journal of Private International Law (Hart Pub., 2005- ), [HeinOnline: vol.1-3 (2005-2007); [Law Library does not have online subscription to current issues vol.4-9 (2008-2013)]
Symeon C. Symeonides, American Federalism and Private International Law, 63 Hellenic Review of International Law 537-580 (2010), [HeinOnline]; [SSRN], (written for non-USA readers, explaining and comparing current U.S. and European approaches to private international law)
1. Symeon C. Symeonides, Private International Law Bibliography 2013: U.S. and Foreign Sources in English, 62 American Journal of Comparative Law (2014) [SSRN] Periodicals K 1 .M442 V.62 (check availability)
2. Symeon C. Symeonides, Private International Law Bibliography 2012: U.S. and Foreign Sources in English, 61 American Journal of Comparative Law (2013) [SSRN] Periodicals K 1 .M442 V.61 (check availability)
3. Symeon C. Symeonides, Private International Law Bibliography 2011: U.S. and Foreign Sources in English, 60 American Journal of Comparative Law 369-381 (2012) [HeinOnline], Periodicals K 1 .M442 V.60 (check availability)
4. Symeon C. Symeonides, Private International Law Bibliography 2009-10: U.S. and Foreign Sources in English, 59 American Journal of Comparative Law 395-410 (2011) [HeinOnline], Periodicals K 1 .M442 V.59 (check availability)
5. Symeon C. Symeonides, Private International Law Bibliography 2008-09: U.S. and Foreign Sources in English, 58 American Journal of Comparative Law 307-317 (2010) [HeinOnline], Periodicals K 1 .M442 V.58 (check availability)
6. Symeon C. Symeonides, Private International Law Bibliography 2007-08: U.S. and Foreign Sources in English, 57 American Journal of Comparative Law 331-346 (2009) [HeinOnline]; [SSRN]
7. Richard Frimpong Oppong, Private International Law Scholarship in Africa (1884-2009): A Selected Bibliography, 58 American Journal of Comparative Law 319-342 (2010) [HeinOnline], Periodicals K 1 .M442 V.58. (check availability)
Conflict of Laws .net: News and Views in Private International Law
U.S. State Department, Private International Law
Hague Convention on Private International Law