Listed in chronological order:
Lynn D. Wardle, International Marriage and Divorce Regulation and Recognition: A Survey, 29 Family Law Quarterly 497-515 (1995) [HeinOnline]
Lynn D. Wardle, Williams v. North Carolina, Divorce Recognition, and Same-Sex Marriage Recognition, 32 Creighton Law Review 187-240 (1998) [HeinOnline]
Lynn D. Wardle, A Critical Analysis of Interstate Adoption Recognition of Lesbigay Adoptions, 3 Ave Maria Law Review 561-616 (2005) [HeinOnline]
Lynn D. Wardle, Non-Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage Judgments Under DOMA and the Constitution, 38 Creighton Law Review 365-420 (2005) [HeinOnline]
Lynn D. Wardle, The Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption and American Implementing Law: Implications for International Adoptions by Gay and Lesbian Couples and Partners, 18 Indiana International & Comparative Law Review 113-52 (2008) [HeinOnline]; [SSRN]
Lynn D. Wardle, From Slavery to Same-Sex Marriage: Comity Versus Public Policy in Inter-jurisdictional Recognition of Controversial Domestic Relations, 2008 Brigham Young University Law Review 1855-1926 [HeinOnline]; [SSRN]
Lynn D. Wardle, Marriage and Religious Liberty: Comparative Law Problems and Conflict of Law Solutions, 12 Journal of Law & Family Studies 315-364 (2010) [HeinOnline]; [SSRN]
Lynn D. Wardle & Laurence C. Nolan, Family Law in the USA (Kluwer Law International, 2011), Law Third Floor KF 505 .W373 2011 (book written for non-USA attorneys on American domestic relations law, including conflict of law aspects within the US legal system)