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Conflict of Laws: Wardle Articles

This research guide covers choice of law resources (online and print), plus private international law and Lynn Wardle articles.

Articles on Conflict of Laws by BYU Law Professor Lynn Wardle

Listed in chronological order:

Lynn D. Wardle, International Marriage and Divorce Regulation and Recognition: A Survey, 29 Family Law Quarterly 497-515 (1995) [HeinOnline]

Lynn D. Wardle,  Williams v. North Carolina, Divorce Recognition, and Same-Sex Marriage Recognition, 32 Creighton Law Review 187-240 (1998) [HeinOnline]

Lynn D. Wardle, A Critical Analysis of Interstate Adoption Recognition of Lesbigay Adoptions, 3 Ave Maria Law Review 561-616 (2005) [HeinOnline]

Lynn D. Wardle, Non-Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage Judgments Under DOMA and the Constitution, 38 Creighton Law Review 365-420 (2005) [HeinOnline]

Lynn D. Wardle, The Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption and American Implementing Law: Implications for International Adoptions by Gay and Lesbian Couples and Partners, 18 Indiana International & Comparative Law Review 113-52 (2008) [HeinOnline]; [SSRN]

Lynn D. Wardle, From Slavery to Same-Sex Marriage: Comity Versus Public Policy in Inter-jurisdictional Recognition of Controversial Domestic Relations, 2008 Brigham Young University Law Review 1855-1926 [HeinOnline]; [SSRN]

Lynn D. Wardle, Marriage and Religious Liberty: Comparative Law Problems and Conflict of Law Solutions, 12 Journal of Law & Family Studies 315-364 (2010) [HeinOnline]; [SSRN]

Lynn D. Wardle & Laurence C. Nolan, Family Law in the USA (Kluwer Law International, 2011), Law Third Floor KF 505 .W373 2011 (book written for non-USA attorneys on American domestic relations law, including conflict of law aspects within the US legal system)

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