"International Law" refers to laws which apply between nations. Treaties and United Nations resolutions are examples from this category. International law consists of (1) international conventions, (2) international custom, (3) general principles, and (4) judicial decisions and teachings of the most highly qualified publicists.
These are resources to which the Hunter Law Library or the Harold B. Lee Library has purchased a subscription. Most subscription licenses require off-campus access to be limited to BYU law students and faculty. Other patrons are welcome to use many of these resources by visiting the library premises.
See Law Journals/Reviews
Yearbook of the United Nations. JZ 4947 .U55
Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights. KJC 5132 .A52 .D63
Yearbook of Private International Law. Lper K 29 .E27
Yearbook on Human Rights. JC 571 .U4 (HeinOnline)
Yearbook of the International Law Commission. KZ 1287 .U55 .Y43 (HeinOnline)
Australian Yearbook of International Law. K 1 .U87 (HeinOnline)
British Yearbook of International Law. K 2 .R585 (HeinOnline)
Chinese Yearbook of International Law. Oxford Journals
German Yearbook of International Law. K 7 .E87
Yearbook Commercial Arbitration. K 2400 .A35 .I58
Yearbook of International Environmental Law. K 3661 .A53 .Y32
Yearbook of International, Financial and Economic Law. HeinOnline
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. KZ 6442 .Y43
Yearbook of Women’s Right. K 3230 .W6 .Y42
International Coventions
International Custom
General Principles
Judicial Decisions and Teachings of the Most Highly Qualified Publicists
Gideon Boas, Public International Law: Contemporary Principles and Perspectives (2012). KZ3410.B637 2012
Ian Bownlie, Principles of Public International Law (7th ed., 2008). KZ3225.B76.A37 2008
Thomas Buergenthal & Sean D. Murphy, Public International Law (5th ed., 2013). (Nutshell Series). KZ3410.5.B84 2013
John H. Currie, Public International Law (2008). KZ3410.C87 2008
International Organizations
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO)
Business Law
Scott J. Shackelford, Managing Cyber Attacks in International Law, Business, and Relations (2014). KZ6718.S53 2014
Constitutional Law
Constitutions in Authoritarian Regimes (Tom Ginsburg & Alberto Simpser, eds.). K3165 .C63 2014
Constitutions, Security, and the Rule of Law (Sudha Setty, ed.). K5256.C66
National Consitutional Identity and European Intgration (Alejandro Saiz Arnaiz & Carina Alcoberro Llivina, eds.). KJE5078.N38
Criminal Law
M. Cherif Bassiouni, International Criminal Law (3d ed. 2008). K5165.I58 2008
International Criminal Law (William A. Schabas, ed.). KZ7000.S33 2012
International Encyclopaedia of Laws, Criminal Law (Frank Verbruggen, ed.). K5014.4.I57
Luke Moffett, Justice for Victims before the International Criminal Court (2014). KZ7495 .M64 2014
Sergey Sayapin, The Crime of Aggression in International Criminal Law: Historical Development, Comparative Analysis and Present State (2014). KZ6374 .S293 2014
Rosanne Van Alebeek, Immunity of States and Their Officials in International Criminal Law and International Human Rights Law (2008). KZ4012 .A42 2008
Environmental Law
Bharat H. Deszi, International Enviornmental Governance: Towards UNEPO (2014). K3585 .D477 2014
Timo Koivurova, Introduction to International Environmental Law (2014). K3585 .K6513 2014
Sandra Zellmer, Comparative Environmental and Natural Resources Law (2013). K3585 .Z45 2013
Usta Kaitesi, Genocidal Gender and Sexual Violence (2014). KTD454.K34 2014
International Courts
Karen J. Alter, The New Terrain of Internatiional Courts: Courts, Politics, Rights (2014). KZ3410.A44 2014
Eva Dwertmann, The Reparation System of the International Criminal Court (2010). KZ7464 .D88 2010
Gleider I Hernandez, The International Court of Justice and the Judicial Function (2014). KZ6275 .H47 2014
Kristina Janjac, A Guide to International Criminal Tribunals and their Basic Documents (2013). KZ7230 .J36 3013
Robert Kolb, The Elgar Companion to the International Court of Justice (2014). KZ6275 .K653 2014
Lena Lindemann, Referral of Cases from International to National Criminal Jurisdictions: tranferring Cases from the ICTY and the ICTR to National Jurisdictions (2013). KZ7375.L56 2013
Vladimir Tochilovsky, The Law and Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunals and Courts: Procedure and Human Rights Aspects (2014). KZ7230 .T63 2014
Investment Law
Aikaterini Titi, The Right to Regulate in International Investment Law (2014). K3830 .T58 2014
Trinh Hai Yen, The Interpretation of Investment Treaties (2014). KNC747 .T75 2014
Mergers and Acquisitions
Julie Clarke, International Merger Policy; Applying Domestic Law to International Markets (2014). K1362 .C57 2014
Mergers and Acquisitions in Europe: Selected Issues and Jurisdictions (Dennis Campbell, ed., 2011). KJE2628.M47 2011
Mergers and Acquisitions in North America, Asia and the Pacific: Selected Issues and Jurisdictions (Dennis Campbell, ed., 2011). K1362.M478 2011
Natural Resources
Sandra Zellmer, Comparaive Environmental and Natural Resources Law (2013). K3585 .Z45 2013
Rule of Law
Constitutions, Security, and the Rule of Law (Sudha Setty, ed.). K5256.C66
Sale of Goods
Franco Ferrari & Marco Torsello, Internationlal Sales Law--CISG (2014). (Nutshell series). K1028.3198.F47 2014
Constitutions, Security, and the Rule of Law (Sudha Setty, ed.). K5256.C66
Dace Winther, Regional Maintenance of Peace and Security under International Law: The Distored Mirrors (2014). KZ5588.W56 2014
Sexual Violence
Maria Eriksson, Defining Rape: Emerging Obligations for States under International Law? (2011). (The Raoul Wallenberg Institue Human Rights Library) KZ7162.E75 2011
Usta Kaitesi, Genocidal Gender and Sexual Violence (2014). KTD454.K34 2014
State Status
John Dugard, The Secession of States and their Recognition in the Wake of Kosovo (2013). KZ4028 .D84 2013
Mario Silva, State Legitimacy and Failure in International Law (2014). KZ4029.S57 2014
Jure Vidmar, Democratic Statehood in International Law: The Emergence of New States in Post-Cold War Practice (2013). KZ4002.V53 2013
Values, Global
Otto Spijkers, The United Nations, the Evolution of Global Values and International Law (2011). KZ1242.S68 2011
Business Law
Business Law
Criminal Law
Environmental Law
Intellectual Property
Non-State Actors
Property Law
Public International Law
Tax Law
Trade Law