A sample of books available in the BYU Law Library on U.S. antitrust law.
Antitrust by Amy KlobucharNATIONAL BESTSELLER . Antitrust enforcement is one of the most pressing issues facing America today-and Amy Klobuchar, the widely respected senior senator from Minnesota, is leading the charge. This fascinating history of the antitrust movement shows us what led to the present moment and offers achievable solutions to prevent monopolies, promote business competition, and encourage innovation. In a world where Google reportedly controls 90 percent of the search engine market and Big Pharma's drug price hikes impact healthcare accessibility, monopolies can hurt consumers and cause marketplace stagnation. Klobuchar-the much-admired former candidate for president of the United States-argues for swift, sweeping reform in economic, legislative, social welfare, and human rights policies, and describes plans, ideas, and legislative proposals designed to strengthen antitrust laws and antitrust enforcement. Klobuchar writes of the historic and current fights against monopolies in America, from Standard Oil and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to the Progressive Era's trust-busters; from the breakup of Ma Bell (formerly the world's biggest company and largest private telephone system) to the pricing monopoly of Big Pharma and the future of the giant tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Google. She begins with the Gilded Age (1870s-1900), when builders of fortunes and rapacious robber barons such as J. P. Morgan, John Rockefeller, and Cornelius Vanderbilt were reaping vast fortunes as industrialization swept across the American landscape, with the rich getting vastly richer and the poor, poorer. She discusses President Theodore Roosevelt, who, during the Progressive Era (1890s-1920), "busted" the trusts, breaking up monopolies; the Clayton Act of 1914; the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914; and the Celler-Kefauver Act of 1950, which it strengthened the Clayton Act. She explores today's Big Pharma and its price-gouging; and tech, television, content, and agriculture communities and how a marketplace with few players, or one in which one company dominates distribution, can hurt consumer prices and stifle innovation. As the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Consumer Rights, Klobuchar provides a fascinating exploration of antitrust in America and offers a way forward to protect all Americans from the dangers of curtailed competition, and from vast information gathering, through monopolies.
Call Number: KF 1649 .K58 2021
ISBN: 9780525654896
Publication Date: 2021-04-27
Antitrust Economics at a Time of Upheaval by John Kwoka (Editor); Tommaso Valletti (Editor); Lawrence White (Editor)The past decade has been a time of great upheaval for transatlantic competition policy. This is evident in the United States (at the federal and state levels), the European Union, and the United Kingdom. With the reinvigoration of antitrust policy has come a reinvigoration of antitrust economics, which has been increasingly prominent in the reasoning of regulators and courts. This volume chronicles key flashpoints in this process, from an economics point of view. It provides 18 contributions from leading antitrust economists involved in recent groundbreaking merger, monopolization, and anticompetitive-agreement cases on both sides of the Atlantic. In all instances, the basic economic features of these important cases should be accessible to all readers who have an interest in antitrust.
Call Number: KF 1649 .A58 2023
ISBN: 9781950769308
Publication Date: 2023-06-30
Antitrust Settlements by Giovanna MassarottoCompetition enforcement authorities use settlements as a tool to ensure compliance with antitrust law. Companies can make commitments to remedy breaches, ensuring that they avoid litigation and potential fines and reputational damage. The author of this highly original and innovative book shows that, rather than fines or arguing principles of competition law in litigation, antitrust settlements (namely U.S. consent decrees and EU commitment decisions) hold the key to globally effective enforcement, particularly in the digital and blockchain era. Antitrust law does not necessarily need to be abolished, but rather should be fully exploited as an economic regulation led by antitrust settlements. In supporting her thesis, the author examines such elements of competition enforcement as the following: drawbacks of allowing the courts to regulate markets; whether antitrust settlements sacrifice antitrust deterrence; how settlements rapidly and surgically regulate markets; comparative analysis between U.S. consent decrees and EU commitment decisions; economic analysis on the adoption of antitrust settlements in both the U.S. and EU markets from 2013 to 2018; fundamental role of antitrust settlements in regulating the current digital markets; and comprehensive description on how to use antitrust settlements to regulate the data industry. With its thorough guidance on U.S. consent decrees and EU commitment decisions from their functioning to their characteristics and procedure--and its extensive treatment of the main antitrust remedies available and used in enforcing of antitrust law in both the U.S. and EU--the book provides both an economic and a legal analysis of the functioning and the scope of antitrust settlements. It assesses the influence of decisions on companies' behavior and agencies' practice, using economic analysis to show the procompetitive or anticompetitive effects of remedies, with special attention to digital markets. Because markets have become so dynamic and unpredictable that is difficult to preserve efficiency, the author says, there is a little room for law--economic regulation is a better fit. This book is a springboard to further investigate how a simple antitrust enforcement tool, having turned competition law into an economic regulation policy, can drive our economy, leading both the antitrust and regulatory interventions in tackling today's market challenges.
Call Number: K 3850 .M374 2019
ISBN: 9789403511337
Publication Date: 2019-10-17
Competition Law's Innovation Factor by Viktoria H. S. E. RobertsonIn recent years, market definition has come under attack as an analytical tool of competition law. Scholars have increasingly questioned its usefulness and feasibility. That criticism comes into sharper relief in dynamic, innovation-driven markets, which do not correspond to the static markets on which the concept of the relevant market was modelled. This book explores that controversy from a comparative legal perspective, taking into account both EU competition and US antitrust law. It examines the manifold ways in which courts and competition authorities in the EU and US have factored innovation-related considerations into market delineation, covering: innovative product markets, product differentiation, future markets, issues going beyond market definition proper - such as innovation competition, innovation markets and potential competition -, intellectual property rights, innovative aftermarkets and multi-sided platforms. This book finds that going forward, the role of market definition in dynamic contexts needs to focus on its function of market characterisation rather than on the assessment of market power.
Call Number: K 3842 .R63 2020
ISBN: 9781509931897
Publication Date: 2020-02-06
Hub-And-Spoke Cartels by Luke Garrod; Joseph E. Harrington; Matthew OlczakThe first comprehensive economic and legal analysis of hub-and-spoke cartels, with detailed case studies. A cartel forms when competitors conspire to limit competition through coordinated actions. Most cartels are composed exclusively of firms that would otherwise be in competition, but in a hub-and-spoke cartel, those competitors ("spokes") conspire with the assistance of an upstream supplier or a downstream buyer ("hub"). This book provides the first comprehensive economic and legal analysis of hub-and-spoke cartels, explaining their formation and how they operate to create and sustain a collusive environment. Sixteen detailed case studies, including cases brought against toy manufacturer Hasbro and the Apple ebook case, illustrate the economic framework and legal strategies discussed. The authors identify three types of hub-and-spoke cartels- when an upstream firm facilitates downstream firms to coordinate on higher prices; when a downstream intermediary facilitates upstream suppliers to coordinate on higher prices; and when a downstream firm facilitates upstream suppliers to exclude a downstream rival. They devote a chapter to each type, discussing the formation, coordination, enforcement, efficacy, and prosecution of these cartels, and consider general lessons that can be drawn from the case studies. Finally, they present strategies for prosecuting hub-and-spoke collusion. The book is written to be accessible to both economists and lawyers, and is intended for both scholars and practitioners.
Call Number: K 3854 .G37 2021
ISBN: 9780262046206
Publication Date: 2021-11-16
Monopoly in America by Barry HawkAmerican history did not begin in 1890 and American attitudes toward monopoly did not begin with the Sherman Act. Colonial and antebellum Americans did not need instruction from Louis Brandeis to oppose monopolies and they did not need instruction from Joseph Schumpeter to exclude some monopolies from general censure. Americans have always hated monopoly―both public and private. At the same time, Americans have accepted―sometimes begrudgingly―government grants to incentivize production and innovation. And private monopolies resulting exclusively from skill, foresight and industry have been viewed as welcome entrepreneurial success. Monopoly in America offers a tour d’horizon of the American experience with the notion of monopoly, It examines the American antimonopoly tradition from its inception in the early 1600s to the present debate about the effectiveness of antitrust laws to deal with today’s monopolies. The modern antitrust law pivot away from government monopoly grants to private firm monopoly raises questions that remained largely in the background before the antitrust movement of the 19th century: how do we apply laws dealing with private monopoly so as not to stifle entrepreneurial drive, incentives and innovation? should the law condemn all private monopolies or only those without justification? How will the yin (opportunity to compete) and yang (entrepreneurial spirit and success) be reconciled by courts and authorities in deciding whether a successful firm has violated the law―a reconciliation often hidden by opinions couched in the minutiae of economic and legal analysis. This book is intended to provide an often-overlooked context in answering those questions.
Call Number: HD 3616 .U46 .H38 2022
ISBN: 9781578235599
Publication Date: 2022
Populism and Antitrust by Maciej BernattCompetition law is designed to promote a consumer-friendly economy, but for the law to work in practice, competition agencies - and the courts who oversee them - must enforce it effectively and impartially. Today, however, the rule of populist governments is challenging the foundations of competition law in unprecedented ways. In this comprehensive work, Maciej Bernatt analyses these challenges and describes how populist governments have influenced national and regional (EU) competition law systems. Using empirical findings from Poland and Hungary, Bernatt proposes a new theoretical framework that will allow the illiberal influence of populism on competition law systems to be better measured and understood. Populism and Antitrust will be of interest not only to antitrust and constitutional law scholars, but also to those concerned about the future of liberal democracy and free markets.
Call Number: KJC 6456 .B47 2022
ISBN: 9781108482837
Publication Date: 2022-02-24
Reforming Antitrust by Alan J. DevlinIndustrial consolidation, digital platforms, and changing political views have spurred debate about the interplay between public and private power in the United States and have created a bipartisan appetite for potential antitrust reform that would mark the most profound shift in US competition policy in the past half-century. While neo-Brandeisians call for a reawakening of antitrust in the form of a return to structuralism and a concomitant rejection of economic analysis founded on competitive effects, proponents of the status quo look on this state of affairs with alarm. Scrutinizing the latest evidence, Alan J. Devlin finds a middle ground. US antitrust laws warrant revision, he argues, but with far more nuance than current debates suggest. He offers a new vision of antitrust reform, achieved by refining our enforcement policies and jettisoning an unwarranted obsession with minimizing errors of economic analysis.
Call Number: K 3850 .D48 2021
ISBN: 9781316518342
Publication Date: 2021-08-19
United States V. Apple by Chris SagersOne of the most-followed antitrust cases of recent times--United States v. Apple--reveals an often-missed truth: what Americans most fear is competition itself. In 2012 the Department of Justice accused Apple and five book publishers of conspiring to fix ebook prices. The evidence overwhelmingly showed an unadorned price-fixing conspiracy that cost consumers hundreds of millions of dollars. Yet before, during, and after the trial millions of Americans sided with the defendants. Pundits on the left and right condemned the government for its decision to sue, decrying Amazon's market share, railing against a new high-tech economy, and rallying to defend beloved authors and publishers. For many, Amazon was the one that should have been put on trial. But why? One fact went unrecognized and unreckoned with: in practice, Americans have long been ambivalent about competition. Chris Sagers, a renowned antitrust expert, meticulously pulls apart the misunderstandings and exaggerations that industries as diverse as mom-and-pop grocers and producers of cast-iron sewer pipes have cited to justify colluding to forestall competition. In each of these cases, antitrust law, a time-honored vehicle to promote competition, is put on the defensive. Herein lies the real insight of United States v. Apple. If we desire competition as a policy, we must make peace with its sometimes rough consequences. As bruising as markets in their ordinary operation often seem, letting market forces play out has almost always benefited the consumer. United States v. Apple shows why supporting cases that protect price competition, even when doing so hurts some of us, is crucial if antitrust law is to protect and maintain markets.
Call Number: KF 1627 .S242 2019
ISBN: 9780674972216
Publication Date: 2019-09-17
Welfare Economics and Antitrust Policy - Vol. I by Richard S. MarkovitsThis book is Volume I of a two-volume set on antitrust policy, analyzing the economic efficiency and moral desirability of various tests for antitrust legality, including those promulgated by US and EU antitrust law. The overall study consists of three parts. Part I (Chapters 1-8) introduces readers to the economic, moral, and legal concepts that play important roles in antitrust-policy analysis. Part II (Chapters 9-16) analyzes the impacts of eight types of conduct covered by antitrust policy and various possible government responses to such conduct in terms of economic efficiency, the securing of liberal moral rights, and the instantiation of various utilitarian, non-utilitarian-egalitarian, and mixed conceptions of the moral good. Part III (Chapters 17-18) provides detailed information on US antitrust law and EU competition law, and compares the extent to which--when correctly interpreted and applied--these two bodies of law could ensure economic efficiency, protectliberal moral rights, and instantiate various morally defensible conceptions of the moral good. This first volume contains Part I and the first two chapters of Part II of the overall study--the two chapters that focus on oligopolistic and predatory conduct of all kinds, respectively. The book will appeal to undergraduate and graduate students of economics and law who are interested in welfare economics, antitrust legality and the General Theory of the Second Best.
Call Number: K 3850 .M375 2021 V.2
ISBN: 3030798119
Publication Date: 2021-10-19
Books: Foreign & International Law
After the Damages Directive by Andrea Biondi (Editor); Gabriella Muscolo (Editor); Renato Nazzini (Editor)International Competition Law Series [ICLS], Volume 89 Designed to deter anticompetitive conduct and to ensure full compensation for loss and damage caused by competition infringements, the Antitrust Damages Directive has become a crucial factor in companies' risk management planning. This first book of its kind offers a comparative overview, practical and authoritative, of the implementation and application of private enforcement rules in each EU Member State as well as in the post-Brexit United Kingdom, covering legislation and case law to date. For leading jurisdictions where practice is already well developed, there are more detailed chapters, with perspectives of judges, competition authorities, practitioners, and economists. The contributors - all experts in the use of EU competition law in their respective jurisdictions - cover the provisions of the Directive in detail, including the following: requirement of full compensation; rules preventing overcompensation; court's power to estimate damages that cannot be precisely quantified; joint and several liability for infringing undertakings; coordination between public and private enforcement; provisions related to passing-on; certain rules on admissibility of evidence; rules on limitation periods; and consensual dispute resolution. In its detailed explanations of shared best practices and its highlighting of opportunities for convergence, the book provides much-needed insight into judicial practice and thinking, the economic approaches and strategies relevant to damages, and the coordination between public and private enforcement. These expert views will prove invaluable for practitioners wishing to see how the law and practice might evolve in their own jurisdictions, as well as into the problems that have arisen or might arise in the future.
Call Number: KJE 6497 .A943 2022
ISBN: 9789403513027
Publication Date: 2022-01-11
Antitrust and Competition Laws by Hawk, Barry E."Antitrust and Competition Laws offers a comparative history and analysis of competition laws, from the current global proliferation of laws back to the pre-modern world before 1880, including classical Athens, India, Rome, imperial China, the Islamic world and post-Roman Europe. The book is intended for members of the global antitrust community -- lawyers, economists, scholars and policymakers -- as well as readers interested in economic and legal history."-- website publisher
Call Number: K 3850 .H3 2020
ISBN: 1578235464
Publication Date: 2020
Antitrust Procedural Fairness by D. Daniel Sokol (Editor); Andrew T. Guzman (Editor)Much of antitrust law scholarship has focused on substantive legal issues - theories of harm and changing law and policy. Surprisingly, there has been very little work, and to our knowledge no book length work that is comparative, on a fundamental element that is a critical building block to effective policy - procedural fairness. Procedural fairness encompasses issues of transparency and due process.Procedural fairness has been an important issue in global antitrust for some time. The types of due process concerns raised globally often relate to the lack of effective representation, the use of industrial policy by third parties, and procedural tools that do not allow for the most effective advocacy to lead to efficient outcomes.This book focuses on these issues and teases out common problems and distinct issues in particular jurisdictions, allowing for a rethink of creating a more effective system for procedural fairness, and explores these issues in each jurisdiction, along with highlights of particular cases in which due process issues have emerged.
Call Number: K 3850 .A977 2019
ISBN: 9780198815426
Publication Date: 2019-03-31
Antitrust Settlements by Giovanna MassarottoCompetition enforcement authorities use settlements as a tool to ensure compliance with antitrust law. Companies can make commitments to remedy breaches, ensuring that they avoid litigation and potential fines and reputational damage. The author of this highly original and innovative book shows that, rather than fines or arguing principles of competition law in litigation, antitrust settlements (namely U.S. consent decrees and EU commitment decisions) hold the key to globally effective enforcement, particularly in the digital and blockchain era. Antitrust law does not necessarily need to be abolished, but rather should be fully exploited as an economic regulation led by antitrust settlements. In supporting her thesis, the author examines such elements of competition enforcement as the following: drawbacks of allowing the courts to regulate markets; whether antitrust settlements sacrifice antitrust deterrence; how settlements rapidly and surgically regulate markets; comparative analysis between U.S. consent decrees and EU commitment decisions; economic analysis on the adoption of antitrust settlements in both the U.S. and EU markets from 2013 to 2018; fundamental role of antitrust settlements in regulating the current digital markets; and comprehensive description on how to use antitrust settlements to regulate the data industry. With its thorough guidance on U.S. consent decrees and EU commitment decisions from their functioning to their characteristics and procedure--and its extensive treatment of the main antitrust remedies available and used in enforcing of antitrust law in both the U.S. and EU--the book provides both an economic and a legal analysis of the functioning and the scope of antitrust settlements. It assesses the influence of decisions on companies' behavior and agencies' practice, using economic analysis to show the procompetitive or anticompetitive effects of remedies, with special attention to digital markets. Because markets have become so dynamic and unpredictable that is difficult to preserve efficiency, the author says, there is a little room for law--economic regulation is a better fit. This book is a springboard to further investigate how a simple antitrust enforcement tool, having turned competition law into an economic regulation policy, can drive our economy, leading both the antitrust and regulatory interventions in tackling today's market challenges.
Call Number: K 3850 .M374 2019
ISBN: 9789403511337
Publication Date: 2019-10-17
The Cambridge Handbook of Competition Law Sanctions by Tihamer Tóth (Editor)This handbook brings together an international roster of competition law scholars and practitioners to address the issue of sanctions in competition law from all angles. Covering nineteen jurisdictions around the world, the book analyzes the theoretical foundations and practice of sanctioning competition law infringements and, most importantly, cartels. Contributors include a range of experts drawing on criminal law, company law, labor law, human rights, and law and economics, to determine what sanctions are available as a matter of positive law against corporations and individuals, including fines and other criminal, administrative, and civil law sanctions; whether law enforcers are using these sanctions effectively; and if new sanctions - including individual sanctions - should be introduced.
Call Number: K 3850 .C362 2022
ISBN: 1108831710
Publication Date: 2022-06-23
Causation in Competition Law Damages Actions by Claudio LombardiCompetition law damages actions are often characterized by the uncertainty of the causal connection between the infringement and the harm. The damage consists in a pure economic loss flowing from an anticompetitive conduct. In such cases, the complexity of the markets structures, combined with the interdependence of individuals' assets, fuel this causal uncertainty. In this work, Claudio Lombardi elucidates the concept of causation in competition law damages actions and outlines its practical implications in competition litigation through the comparative analysis of the relevant statutory and case law, primarily in the European Union. This book should be read by practitioners, scholars, and graduate students with experience in competition law, as well as those interested in analyzing economic torts and causation in general.
Call Number: KJE 6530 .L66 2020
ISBN: 9781108428620
Publication Date: 2020-01-02
Competition, Effects and Predictability by Bruce WardhaughIn the US and EU, legal analysis in competition cases is conducted on a case-by-case approach. This approach assesses each particular practice for both its legality and its welfare effects. While this analytic method has the merits of 'getting the result right' by, inter alia, reducing error costs in antitrust adjudication, it comes at a cost of certainty, predictability and clarity in the legal principles which govern antitrust law. This is a rule of law concern. This is the first book to explore this tension between Europe's 'More Economic Approach', the US's Rule of Reason, and the Rule of Law. The tension manifests itself in the assumptions in and choice of analytic method; the institutional agents driving this effects based approach and their competency to use and assess the results of the methodology they demand; and, the nature and stability of the legal principles used in modern effects-based competition analysis. The book forcefully argues that this approach to competition law represents a threat to the rule of law. Competition, Effects and Predictability will be of interest to European and American competition law scholars and practitioners, legal historians, policy makers and members of the judiciary.
Call Number: K 3850 .W37 2020
ISBN: 9781509926060
Publication Date: 2020-04-16
Competition and Sustainability by Justus Haucap; Rupprecht Podszun; Tristan Rohner; Anja RösnerCompetition and Sustainabilitycritically examines how the market economy can be preserved without compromising the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. Serving as a useful overview of the problems and solutions found in one of the most controversial issues in current antitrust doctrine, this topical book offers concrete policy options for EU competition law. How can concerns over climate change, the supply chain, or animal welfare be integrated into antitrust? What can competition agencies do to help transform the market economy to a more sustainable one? Renowned experts in competition economics, law and sustainability answer these questions, and in doing so dissect issues such as cartels, exemptions, monopolisation, the environmental, social, and governance transformation, and merger control. Problems with government intervention in markets, quantification, and the danger of greenwashing are confronted with a thorough examination of the options for policy reform. This indispensable book tackles the transformation to the sustainable market economy with competition at its core. It will prove useful to academics in the fields of competition and antitrust law, corporate law and governance, European law, environmental law, and political economy, as well as policymakers and practitioners working in legal and economic fields.
Call Number: Online ebook
ISBN: 9781035325382
Publication Date: 2024-04-16
Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights by P. TreacyThis authoritative book from one of the top experts in the field sets out a detailed and practical analysis of the complex and often fraught relationship between EU competition rules and intellectual property rights (IPRs). Beginning with a primer on the general principles that underpin intellectual property and competition law, the book then provides exhaustive coverage of the application of Article 101 TFEU on anticompetitive agreements to IP licensing. Detailed treatment of licensing agreements includes; agreements under the Technology Transfer Block Exemption regulation (TTBER); agreements outside of the scope of the TTBER, such as multilateral licences, pooling agreements and settlement agreements; horizontal agreements such as those relating to R&D; and vertical agreements such as those relating to distribution and franchising. Extensive analysis of the application of Article 102 TFEU on abuse of dominance provides clarity on when and how conduct relating to IPRs might infringe Article 102. This is followed by a chapter dedicated to the EU merger control regime and its implications for IPRs, including their role in merger remedies. Whilst there is a focus on the Tech sector throughout, the book also includes a chapter dedicated to the pharmaceutical sector, and finally a chapter on Competition Law standards and FRAND. Key Features: Focus on the Tech and Pharmaceutical sectors Extensive commentary on relevant case law and landmark judgments Coverage of general principles which underpin competition law and IPRs Practical guidance on how lawyers might assess the likelihood of infringement and advise clients accordingly Comprehensive treatment of competition rules relating to licence agreements across Patents, Copyright and Trade Marks EU Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rightsis an essential resource for competition lawyers litigating Tech and Pharma cases and advising companies in those sectors, for in-house counsel within those industries, and for IP lawyers needing to understand the competition aspects of licensing agreements. It is also an indispensable reference for courts, enforcement agencies and national competition authorities, as well as for scholars researching in the field.
Call Number: Online ebook
ISBN: 9781781006887
Publication Date: 2024-07-19
Competition Law in Crisis by Bruce WardhaughA common criticism of the competition rules posed by EU authorities is that they are too inflexible, thereby prohibiting adequate responses to economic and industrial shocks. Competition Law in Crisis challenges this suggestion through an examination of competition responses to crises past and present. With an analysis spanning the response of UK and EU competition authorities to the economic and commercial outfall of the 2008 financial crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and potential responses to the climate crisis in the context of post-Brexit British industrial policy, the book argues that relaxing the competition regime is precisely the wrong response. The rigidity of competition rules in the UK and EU has both normative and positive implications for not just the methodology used in competition analysis, but also the role of competition law within the legal order of both jurisdictions. The book concludes with a discussion of the place of the competition in the UK's and EU's legal order.
Call Number: KD 2218 .W37 2022
ISBN: 9781108833967
Publication Date: 2022-08-18
Competition Law in Developing Countries by Thomas K. ChengThis book brings together perspectives of development economics and law to tackle the relationship between competition law enforcement and economic development. It addresses the question of whether, and how, competition law enforcement helps to promote economic growth and development. This question is highly pertinent for developing countries largely because many developing countries have only adopted competition law in recent years: about thirty jurisdictions had in place a competition law in the early 1980s, and there are now more than 130 competition law regimes across the world, of which many are developing countries. The book proposes a customized approach to competition law enforcement for developing countries, set against the background of the academic and policy debate concerning convergence of competition law. The implicit premise of convergence is that there may exist one, or a few, correct approaches to competition law enforcement, which in most cases emanate from developed jurisdictions, that are applicable to all. This book rejects this assumption and argues that developing countries ought to tailor competition law enforcement to their own economic and political circumstances. In particular, it suggests how competition law enforcement can better incorporate development concerns without causing undue dilution of its traditional focus on protecting consumer welfare. It proposes ways in which approaches to competition law enforcement need to be adjusted to reflect the special economic characteristics of developing country economies and the more limited enforcement capacity of developing country competition authorities. Finally, it also addresses the long-running debate concerning the desirability and viability of industrial policy for developing countries. The author would like to acknowledge the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong for its generous support. The work in this book was fully supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (Project No. HKU 742412H).
Call Number: K 3850 .C4648 2020
ISBN: 9780198862697
Publication Date: 2020-07-28
Competition Law in Latin America by Julián Peña; Marcelo Calliari (Editor); Julián Peña (Editor)In the past few years, Latin American countries have taken giant steps to reposition their competition authorities in the global antitrust arena, granting them much greater autonomy both domestically and internationally. This is an updated edition of the first book that offered an in-depth analysis of this complex scenario. The first part of the book includes more general chapters written by leading experts on a variety of relevant topics analyzed at a regional level such as the issues emerging with the digital economy and on the special field of the information and communications technology industry, as well as chapters on broad regional trends, on the working of competition law in countries with regulated markets and in the cluster of Central American countries, among others. At the heart of the presentation are nine chapters detailing the competition regimes of the most active national jurisdictions in the region--Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. Written by practicing experts with considerable hands-on experience in their respective countries, each of these chapters provides a comprehensive description and explanation of the evolution, current state, and prospects for antitrust in the country. Topics addressed in the country analysis encompass the following and more: relevant institutions and legislation; cartel investigations; unilateral conduct policies; merger review; international coordination; enforcement; and remedies. Each chapter includes an analysis of relevant case law, allowing the reader to gauge the positions, views, and tendencies of each competition law regime. The contributors also pay attention to the specificities and idiosyncrasies that are so important for a correct understanding of the practical realities of competition policy and enforcement. With its wide-ranging and in-depth approach, this book provides an incomparable analysis of a challenging region poised to become increasingly important in the international recognition and enforcement of antitrust law. It is in this sense an essential guide for lawyers, economists, corporations, academics, and government officials interested in understanding where competition law is, and where it is going to, in Latin America.
ISBN: 9789403536958
Publication Date: 2022-06-06
Confucian Culture and Competition Law in East Asia by Jingyuan Ma; Mel MarquisCompetition law is a significant legal transplant in East Asia, where it has come into contact with deeply rooted variants of Confucian culture. This timely volume analyses cultural factors in mainland China, Japan and Korea, focusing on their shared but diversely evolved Confucian heritage. These factors distinguish the competition law systems of these countries from those of major western jurisdictions, in terms of the goals served by the law, the way enforcement is structured, and the way subjects of the law respond to it. Concepts from cultural studies inform a new and eclectic perspective on these dynamics, with the authors also drawing on ideas from law and economics, comparative law, East Asian studies, political science, business management and ethics, and institutional economics. The volume presents a model for cultural analysis of comparative legal topics and contributes to a greater understanding of the challenges to deeper convergence of competition laws between East and West.
Call Number: KNC 750 .M35 2022
ISBN: 9781108488235
Publication Date: 2022-09-08
Due Process and Fair Trial in EU Competition Law by Cristina TelekiIn Due Process and Fair Trial in EU Competition Law, Cristina Teleki addresses the complex relationship between Articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The book is built around the idea that big business can threaten democracy. Due process and fair trial should be central to the process of addressing bigness through competition law, by safeguarding independent decision-making and judicial review and by preventing competition authorities from growing into administrative behemoths threatening democracy from inside. To show this, the book combines a comprehensive review of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights with insight from economics, psychology and systems theory.
Call Number: KJE 3832 .D83 .T45 2021
ISBN: 9789004447219
Publication Date: 2021-05-20
International Investigations and Merger Reviews by American Bar Association, Section of Antitrust Law Staff (Contribution by)Cooperation among competition enforcers is a fact of life for counsel advising international businesses. A merger may need clearance in multiple jurisdictions, or a cartel may be under investigation globally. Lead counsel will be called upon to make decisions about strategy and coordination crucial to successfully managing the demands of multiple agencies. This handbook provides counsel with a practical guide for making such decisions.
Call Number: K 1362 .I5745 2022
ISBN: 9781639051229
Publication Date: 2022-01-01
Joint and Several Liability in EU Competition Law by Katarzyna SadrakContribution claims in antitrust are controversial and under-researched in the legal literature. This book provides the first comprehensive analysis of contribution claims in EU competition law. By drawing on the historical and current practice of EU and national courts, as well as national laws of major EU jurisdictions, it explains contribution claims in antitrust law in concrete and practical terms. It also provides much needed clarity on the relationship between competition law and joint and several liability, as well as guiding those concerned by contribution claims through the issues that are likely to arise. Topics examined include the requirements competition law sets for contribution claims; the criteria for dividing antitrust liability between individual co-infringers; the impact of EU Directive 2014/10; and whether liability sharing agreements can resolve the problems joint and several liability brings to EU competition law.
Call Number: KJE 6530 .S23 2022
ISBN: 9781108839310
Publication Date: 2022-09-22
Making Markets Work for Africa by Eleanor M. Fox; Mor BakhoumThis book focuses on market law and policy in sub-Saharan Africa, showing how markets can be harnessed by poorer and developing economies to help make the markets work for them: to help them integrate into the world economy and provide a better standard of living for their people while preserving their values of inclusive development. It explores uses of power both by dominant firms, often multinationals, and incumbent governments and cronies, to ring-fence their market positions and deprive rivals - often the indigenous people - from fair access to markets and highlights how competition authorities are pushing back and winning fair access, lowering prices of goods and services especially for the poorer population. The book also examines the next level up - regionalism - and provides the facts that show how regionalism has so far failed to meet its promise of freeing markets from cross-border restraints by large firms that operate across national borders. On the more technical side, the book takes a deep look at the competition policies of sets of nations in sub-Saharan Africa - West, South-eastern, and South. It examines the performance of the competition authorities of particular nations, including how they handle cartels, monopolies and mergers; their standards of illegality, and their methodologies for incorporating public interest values into their analyses. Observing the good works by a number of the national competition authorities, the book is optimistic about the role of the national competition authorities in protecting the people from abuses of economic power, and, perhaps in the future, the role of regional authorities and less formal networks in promoting an African voice in defence of competition.
Call Number: KQC 738 .F69 2019
ISBN: 9780190930998
Publication Date: 2019-01-18
Mens Rea in EU Antitrust Law by Jan BlockxUnder the purely economics-based approach to competition law, the central consideration is whether the conduct of undertakings has the effect of restricting competition or not. Such an 'objective' approach to antitrust enforcement leaves little room for subjective elements like intentions. But what happens when economic analysis reaches its limits? In this signal contribution, the author invokes the criminal law concept of mens rea, the idea of the 'guilty mind', thoroughly evaluating the normative cogency of mens rea evidence in the determination of antitrust infringements. Delving deep into the case law, the author views the subject from the standpoint of a confluence of various areas of law, including: the role of mens rea in the criminal law in France, Germany, and England and Wales; the different types of mens rea (e.g., intent, recklessness, negligence); mens rea in a corporate context; mens rea evidence in United States antitrust law; the notion of the 'meeting of minds' in Article 101 TFEU; relevance of intentions in the determination of the object of an agreement or concerted practice; relevance of intentions in the determination of abuse of a dominant position; and the role of mens rea in the determination of fines for antitrust breaches. The author also examines arguments both for and against the use of mens rea evidence in determining whether an antitrust infringement took place and how it should be punished. This is the first full-length assessment of what role mens rea evidence actually plays and should play in competition law even as the tools for antitrust analysis are meant to become increasingly objective. As a thoroughly researched and systematically presented commentary and analysis of the current status of the use of mens rea in antitrust enforcement and how the practice could develop, it is sure to be welcomed by practitioners as well as by policymakers and academics.
Call Number: K 3850 .B56 2020
ISBN: 9789403523538
Publication Date: 2020-07-09
The Oxford Handbook of International Antitrust Economics, Volume 1 by Roger D. Blair (Editor); D. Daniel Sokol (Editor)More than any other area of regulation, antitrust economics shapes law and policy in the United States, the Americas, Europe, and Asia. In a number of different areas of antitrust, advances in theory and empirical work have caused a fundamental reevaluation and shift of some of the assumptions behind antitrust policy. This reevaluation has profound implications for the future of the field.The Oxford Handbook of International Antitrust Economics has collected chapters from many of the leading figures in antitrust. In doing so, this two volume Handbook provides an important reference guide for scholars, teachers, and practitioners. However, it is more than a merely reference guide. Rather, it has a number of different goals. First, it takes stock of the current state of scholarship across a number of different antitrust topics. In doing so, it relies primarily upon the economics scholarship. In some situations, though, there is also coverage of legal scholarship, case law developments, and legal policies.The second goal of the Handbook is to provide some ideas about future directions of antitrust scholarship and policy. Antitrust economics has evolved over the last 60 years. It has both shaped policy and been shaped by policy. The Oxford Handbook of International Antitrust Economics will serve as a policy and research guide of next steps to consider when shaping the future of the field of antitrust.
Call Number: K 3850 .O94 2015 V.1
ISBN: 9780199859191
Publication Date: 2014-12-01
Regional Competition Law Enforcement in Developing Countries by Julia MolestinaThe book examines the potential for regional competition law systems as enforcement tools in developing countries, based on a case study of the West African Economic and Monetary Union, the Andean Community and the Caribbean Community. It analyses the allocation of enforcement competences between the regional/supranational and the national level and formulates detailed guidelines on the optimal degree of centralization or decentralization. The book addresses all readers that are interested in the enforcement of competition law in developing countries. Moreover, it provides practical insights for public institutions that wish to identify or prevent possible misallocation of competences within regional competition law systems.